Sunday, June 16, 2013

First Aid - A sugar high.

How to prevent and manage hyperglycemia.

High blood sugar level is termed as hyperglycemia. It is usually seen in the case of diabetics.

Causes :

* Diabetes Mellitus is associated with increased sugar levels.
*Infections and illness in diabetes further increase sugar levels and these in turn increases chances of infection,leading to a vicious cycle.

Warning Signs : 

* Polyuria : Person may wake up often at night to urinate.
* Polyphagia : Increased appetite.
* Polydipsia : Increased thirst,dry mouth.
* Other indications : Non-healing wounds and repeated occurrence of boils. 
A person with a history of diabetes and the following symptoms may have increased blood sugar levels.
* Warm and dry skin.
* Increased breathing and pulse.
* Fruity smell in breathe.
* Drowsiness and finally unconsciousness.

Do's :

* Activate emergency medical response.
* Patient should be taken to the hospital immediately.
* If unconscious but breathing,put victim in recovery position.
* Monitor and record vital signs,level of response,pulse and breathing.
*If patient becomes unresponsive and is not breathing,start CPR.

Dont's :

* Do not give anything to eat or drink if unconscious or very drowsy,as there is risk of choking.

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