A voyage through Macbeth.
* Act 1 : The Temptation.
a) Act 1 : Scene 1 - Represents parting of the witches and not their meeting. Macbeth , the hero is introduced though he is not physically present in the scene.
Keynote of the play 'Fair is foul,and foul is fair' is delivered in this scene.
b) Act 1 : Scene 2 - Gives the political setting of the Play. Scene serves as a sort of exposition.
c) Act 1 : Scene 3 - Most crucial scene in Act 1. The famous 'temptation scene'. Scene is important for the :- The characterization of the witches ; the contrasted reactions of Macbeth and Banquo towards the witches' prophecies ; imaginative and sensitive temperament of Macbeth.
d) Act 1 : Scene 4 - First meeting of Macbeth and Duncan.
e) Act 1 : Scene 5 - Lady Macbeth appears before the audience for the first time.
f) Act 1 : Scene 6 - Scene has been admired for : its singularly reposeful character ; its sustained irony.
g) Act 1 : Scene 7 - Moral guilt and imagination of Macbeth ; Planning of Duncan' murder.
* Act 2 : The Murder of Duncan.
a) Act 2 : Scene 1 - Macbeth sights a visionary dagger ; he goes to commit the murder.
b) Act 2 : Scene 2 - Macbeth does the 'deed'.
c) Act 2 : Scene 3 - Porter Scene.
d) Act 2 : Scene 4 - Meant for giving a pause ; the King's sons have fled away.
* Act 3 : The Murder of Banquo.
a) Act 3 : Scene 1 - Macbeth wears the crown now ; Macbeth doubts Banquo's existence harmful to him. So he hires murderers to kill Banquo.
b) Act 3 : Scene 2 - Reveals that a gulf is created between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.
c) Act 3 : Scene 3 - Banquo is murdered and Fleance escapes ; marks the downfall of Macbeth's fortunes.
d) Act 3 : Scene 4 - Banquet Scene. Macbeth's overheated imagination makes his see Banquo's ghost.
e) Act 3 : Scene 5 - Introduces Hecate ; Scene is debated as unShakespearean ; prepares us for Macbeth's second meeting with the witches.
f) Act 3 : Scene 6 - Mentioning of 'Edward the Confessor' ; no other major importance.
* Act 4 :The Family of Macduff.
a) Act 4 : Scene 1 - Cauldron Scene ; preserves our interest in the dull Act 4. Macbeth meets the three witches ; appearance of the three apparitions.
b) Act 4 : Scene 2 - Introduces Lady Macduff and her son ; murder of Macduff' wife and son.
c) Act 4 : Scene 3 - Just a pause scene ; Malcolm says to Macduff that the English King has agreed to lend armies for the liberation of Scotland ; joining of an English doctor Malcolm and Macduff ; Ross informs Macduff about the murder of his family.
* Act 5 - The Catastrophe.
a) Act 5 : Scene 1 - Sleepwalking scene.
b) Act 5 : Scene 2 - Liberation army from England is approaching Scotland ; thanes march to Birnam wood to join with the invaders.
c) Act 5 : Scene 3 - Indicates the state of mind of Macbeth ; he is afraid of being afraid.
d) Act 5 : Scene 4 - Prepares us for the fulfillment of the prophecy concerning Birnam wood ; the Army march to Dunsinane under the cover of branches cut down in Birnam wood.
e) Act 5 : Scene 5 - at Dunsinane ; Macbeth receives the news of the demise of his wife ; we witness philosopher in Macbeth ; Macbeth rushes out to meet the enemy.
f) Act 5 : Scene 6 - Short scene sounding for the battle ; trumpets call up on the castle to surrender.
g) Act 5 : Scene 7 - Macbeth is surrounded on all sides ; Macbeth defeats young Siward ; when he withdraws,Macduff enters in search of him.
h) Act 5 : Scene 8 - ; Macbeth and Macduff come face to face ; Macbeth is shocked to hear that Macduff was 'untimely ripped' from his mother' womb ; Macbeth is killed ; Macduff declares that 'the time is free' ; Malcolm is acclaimed king.
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