Saturday, January 5, 2013

Strange similarities between Lincoln & Kennedy...

Lincoln and Kennedy.

* Abraham Lincoln was elected to the Congress in 1846 whereas John.F.Kennedy was elected to the Congress in 1946.

* Lincoln defeated Stephen Douglas who was born in 1813.
Kennedy defeated Richard Nixon who was born in 1913.

* Lincoln was elected as the President of America in 1860 whereas Kennedy was elected   as the President in 1960.

* The name of Lincoln's secretary was Kennedy.

* Both Lincoln and Kennedy were shot in the back of their heads in the presence of their wives.

* Both of their wives lost their children while living in the White House.

* Both of them were shot on a friday.

Andrew and Lyndon.
* Lincoln was succeeded by Andrew Johnson. Andrew Johnson was born in 1808.
Kennedy was succeeded by Lyndon Johnson. Lyndon was born in 1908.

* Lincoln was shot in the Ford theater. Kennedy was shot in a Lincoln (car) made by Ford.

Booth and Oswald.
* Booth shot Lincoln in a theatre and ran and hid in a warehouse.
Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and ran and hid in a theater.

* Booth and Oswald were assasinated before their trials.


  1. this one was gud kashyap.expecting lots of worthy information from u

    1. Thank you ...I'l try hard to fulfill your expectation,bro.
