Saturday, January 5, 2013

Incredible India....

  Amazing Facts about India ;

* The world's highest cricket ground is in Chail, Himachal Pradesh. Built in 1893 after levelling a hilltop, this cricket pitch is 2444 metres above sea level.

* India has the largest number of Post Offices in the world.

* The Indian Railways is the largest employer in the world. It employs over a million people.

* Until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds in the world.

* The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh valley between the Dras and Suru rivers in the Himlayan mountains. It was built by the Indian Army in 1982.

Some Indian places of Historical Importance ;

1. Red Fort.

2. The Parliament.

3. Lotus Temple.

4. Taj Mahal.

5. India Gate.

6. Quitub Minar

7. Ellora Caves.

                                    Quick Facts;

* National bird : Peacock.

* National animal : Tiger.

* National flower : Lotus.

* National game : Hockey.

* National tree : Banyan.

* National fruit : Mango.

           Map ; 

National Pledge;
India is my country. All Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give my parents, teachers and all elders respect and treat everyone with courtesy.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion. In their well-being and prosperity alone, lies my happiness.



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