Sunday, June 23, 2013

Shocking facts about DREAMS :

* The strangers in your dreams are actually people that you have seen in real life.

Human brain can't invent images. Chances are that you have laid eyes on many individuals,so the brain has a huge cast of characters to play with when you drift off to sleep.

* An average person has between 1460 and  2190 dreams a year.

Most people over the age of 10 have 4-6 dreams every night. You forget 95 % - 99 % of all the dreams you have.

* You can teach yourself to control your dreams.

The method is called 'lucid dreaming' which means that you are aware of the fact that you are dreaming. In that way one can control the motion of his dream. In most cases,people turn nightmares into good dreams.

* The origin of the phrase 'pipe dream' was referring to ideas thought up while smoking opium.

A pipe dream is something typically regarded as an unrealistic hope or fantasy. The phrase can be traced back to the dreams experienced by opium smokers,which were very prevalent in the 18th and 19th centuries by the highly literate.

* When you dream,your body is paralyzed.

In the first 90 minutes of sleep,you go through deepening stages ranging from light sleep to deep sleep. Then you enter a phase called REM sleep (REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement). During REM sleep,the rest of your body becomes paralyzed. The release of certain neurotransmitters are shut down and your large muscles do not move.

* Women dream about sex as often as men do.

Studies show that women have more nightmares than men.

* A device called as REM dreamer lets you control your dreams.

* Falling backwards in a nightmare can change it to a more pleasant dream.

But falling backwards in a nightmare into a better dream can ensure that you won't wake up soon. Closing your eyes is also recommended while falling backwards in a dream as it helps to increase concentration.

* 12 % of the people dream in black and white.

According to a study in 2008,people under the age of 25 rarely dream in black and white while those over 55 claimed to dream in monochrome about a quarter of the time.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

First Aid - A sugar high.

How to prevent and manage hyperglycemia.

High blood sugar level is termed as hyperglycemia. It is usually seen in the case of diabetics.

Causes :

* Diabetes Mellitus is associated with increased sugar levels.
*Infections and illness in diabetes further increase sugar levels and these in turn increases chances of infection,leading to a vicious cycle.

Warning Signs : 

* Polyuria : Person may wake up often at night to urinate.
* Polyphagia : Increased appetite.
* Polydipsia : Increased thirst,dry mouth.
* Other indications : Non-healing wounds and repeated occurrence of boils. 
A person with a history of diabetes and the following symptoms may have increased blood sugar levels.
* Warm and dry skin.
* Increased breathing and pulse.
* Fruity smell in breathe.
* Drowsiness and finally unconsciousness.

Do's :

* Activate emergency medical response.
* Patient should be taken to the hospital immediately.
* If unconscious but breathing,put victim in recovery position.
* Monitor and record vital signs,level of response,pulse and breathing.
*If patient becomes unresponsive and is not breathing,start CPR.

Dont's :

* Do not give anything to eat or drink if unconscious or very drowsy,as there is risk of choking.