Thursday, January 31, 2013

Discovering Tagore through the words of well-known people.

" Gandhi and Tagore. Two types entirely different from each other,and yet both of them typical of India,both in the long line of India's great men.... I felt that among the world's great men today Gandhi and Tagore were supreme as human beings. What good fortune for me to have come into close contact with them. "

                                                                   by Pt.Nehru in 1941.

" In common with thousands of his countrymen I owe so much to one who by his poetic genius and singular purity of life has raised India in the estimation of the world. "

                                                                  by Gandhiji in 1931.

" ( Tagore's ) lyrics....display in their thought a a world i have dreamed of all my life long. "

                                                                 by W.B Yeats in 1912.

" There is in him the stillness of nature. "

                                                                 by Ezra Pound in 1913.

" ......what Tagore wrote of his country yesterday still applies to and resonates with today's world as a whole. "

                                                                by Hans D'Orville in 2010.

" No poet seems to me as famous in Europe as he is among us. "

                                                                by W.B Yeats in 1912.

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