Monday, December 17, 2012

X-mas faQs....

* In 1643.Christmas was abolished in Britain by the Parliament.

* The Statue of Liberty was given by the French to the U.S as a Christmas   present. 

* Americans send almost 1.5 billion Christmas cards each year.

* The name Santa Claus originated from the Dutch word Sinterklaas which means Saint Nicholas.

* First Christmas Postal stamp was issued in U.S in 1962.

* First beverage company to use Santa in the sales promotion advertisements is Cocacola.

* The first U.S President to decorate the White House during Christmas was Franklin Pierce.

* Christmas trees (pines,firs) are rich in vitamin C and  are edible.

* Christmas is the blending of the word Christ and Mass.

             Merry Christmas to all the readers.... 

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