Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New Year........

WOW ...!

* The tradition of making New Year resolution dates back to the early Babylonians.

* New year is considered as the the oldest of all holidays.

* The Spanish ritual on New year's eve is to eat 12 grapes at midnight in order to secure 12 happy months in the coming year.

Here are some popular New Year Resolutions..

* Reduce alcohol consumption.

* Eat healthy food.

* Acquire better education.

* Get a better job.

* Get fit.

* Lose weight.

* Manage debt.

* Quit smoking.

* Manage stress.

* 3R's ; Reduce,Reuse and Recycle.

* Save money.

* Don't waste time.

* Spent more time with family.

* Help others.

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