Saturday, August 3, 2013

Soccer tutorial.

Football has been one of my top interests since 2-3 years. 
I'm a sincere supporter of the Spanish club,FC Barcelona and a die hard fan of Lionel Messi. 

Frankly speaking,I'm not a hater of CR7. Both of them are the best in the business and both of them have their own style of technique and play-making.

Here are a few videos that will surely help you to be a complete soccer player.


1.Free Style. 


2. Cristiano Ronaldo moves.

3. Pace variation.

4.  Creating spin or swerve.

5. Heel-bounce pass.

6. The 360^o

7. Scissors-turn.

8. The Ronaldinho - Elastico.

9. The Ronaldo-Turn.

10. Stop the ball like Ronaldo.

11. Top Spin.

12. Turn while a defender is behind you.

13. Free-style.