* Best Friends are hard to find because the very best one is already mine. * Best Friends never say 'Good Bye'. They just say 'See you soon'.
* When I say ' I wont tell anyone ' , that doesn't include my Best Friend.
* Best friend is a person in your life that make you laugh a little louder,smile a little brighter and live a little better.
* Best Friend shares the good times and helps you out by listening during the bad times. * A Best Friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway. * A Best Friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself.
* Best Friends are people who people who make your problems their problems,just so you don't have to go through them alone.
* A Best Friend is like a Four Leaf Clover;hard to find and lucky to have. * Best Friends are the people you don't need to talk every single day. You don't need to talk to each other for weeks,but when you do,its as if you didn't even stop talking. * A Best Friend is someone who walks into your life when the rest of the world walks out. * A Best Friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. * A Good Friend knows all your best stories. A Best Friend has lived them with you. * Best Friends are hard to find,harder to leave and impossible to forget.
* A Best Friend is someone who comes to your life,sticks with you in your ups and downs and never leaves you. * A Best Friend will be there when you have nothing and most importantly when you feel like nothing. * A Best Friend is the only person who doesn't get tired of listening to your own pointless dramas again and again.
Raja Ravi Varma was the pioneering modern artist of India.
Like Prometheus brought fire to the Greek,Ravi Varma brought in,not simply the technique of the west to execute the glorious Indian content,but he also brought in many representational dilemmas of a 19th century painter caught between two tastes of oneself and that of the other. The hybrid style of Varma earned nation-wide acclaim in feudal courts across the country and also appreciated in fine arts fairs in the west. He took up extensive portrait commissions. He could transform from a colonial artist to a national idol. Ravi Varma was also the first ever artist entrepreneur of legendary status. He started a printing press in Lonavala and mechanical reproduction was used for the first time in India to popularize a leading artist.
Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman was a veteran scientist from India,who received Nobel Prize in the year 1930 for his discovery 'Raman Effect'. He was born on 07 November 1888. After finishing his education,though he joined the Indian Financial Services,his areas of interest included vibrations,ultrasonics,diffraction and so on. In 1917,he was offered professorship at Calcutta city. In 1924,he was elected Fellow of Royal Society of London. The Raman Effect deals with the scattering of light by molecules of a medium when they are excited to vibrational energy lends.
Famous Quotation by C.V Raman. " Success can only come to you by courageous devotion to the task lying in front of you and there is nothing worth in this world that can come without the sweat of our brow. "
His soul left his body on November 21st,1970. He lived the last days of his life at Bangalore,India. He was one of the greatest scientists India has ever produced.
A fundamental subatomic particle,the neutrino,seems to be capable of travelling faster than the speed of light ( that is ,the speed of a photon through vacuum ). Earlier Albert Einstein asserted that the speed of light is a fundamental constant and it is the maximum speed anything can travel. If the new theory is proved right,the basic laws of physics might have to be rewritten. Neutrinos are electrically neutral particles that have a tiny ( but non-zero ) mass. They interact very weakly with normal matter,making them almost impossible to detect. Tens of billions of neutrinos pass through our finger tip every second. They are created in certain types of radioactive decay,during collisions between atoms and cosmic rays and during nuclear reactions such as those that occur at the heart of the sun.
Neutrinos are considered to be mysterious particles. They have a minuscule mass,no electric charge,and pass through almost every material as though it was not there. The speed of light in vacuum is 299,792,458 meters per second, and that of neutrino is 299,798,454 meters per second.